No matter what your service needs, we have a rate plan that's right for you.
Click to read about our upcoming rate increase: Rate Increase Necessary After Seven Years
Applicable to residential consumers for all uses in the home subject to established rules of the Cooperative.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $25.00
Energy Charges:
Summer (May - October)
First 1,000 kWh/month 11.67¢/kWh
All kWh over 1,000kWh/month 16.92¢/kWh
Winter (November - April)
First 1,000 kWh/month 11.67¢/kWh
All kWh over 1,000kWh/month 10.84¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
Applicable to consumers for commercial, industrial and three-phase service for all users, including lighting, heating and power subject to the established rules of the Cooperative.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $30.00
Demand Charges:
First 15kW $0.00/kW
All kW over 15kW/month $8.50/kW
Energy Charges:
Summer (May - October)
First 2,000 kWh/month 14.19¢/kWh
All kWh over 2,000kWh/month 9.22¢/kWh
Winter (November - April)
First 2,000 kWh/month 11.22¢/kWh
All kWh over 2,000kWh/month 7.29¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
This rate is available on a voluntary basis to single-phase residential consumers who would otherwise be served under the Residential Service schedule. Service under this schedule is subject to the Cooperative's established rules and regulations.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $25.00
Energy Chargers:
All Super Off-Peak Energy 6.25¢/kWh
All Off-Peak Energy - Winter 9.91¢/kWh
All Off-Peak Energy - Summer 14.02¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Winter 34.48¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Summer 48.76¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
Determination of On-Peak and Off-Peak Periods:
On-Peak, Off-Peak, and Super Off-Peak hours shall be defined as the following:
A. For the period of May 1 through October 31, the On-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 3:00pm and 6:00pm, Monday through Friday, excluding designated holidays.
B. For the period of November 1 through April 30, the On-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 6:00am and 9:00am, Monday through Friday, excluding designated holidays.
C. The Super Off-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 10:00pm and 5:00am for all days of the week.
D. The Off-Peak Hours shall be all other times.
Designated holidays considered off-peak shall be New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
This schedule is available to members of the Cooperative for outdoor lighting. This schedule is for automatically controlled outdoor lighting using high-pressure sodium vapor or LED lamps.
For new installations, CHEC is offers the 44 Watt LED Security Light and 40 Watt LED Flood lights. The 100-Watt and 250-Watt Flood Lights, 100 Watt Decorative Lights and LED Security Light (250 Watt equivalent) are closed to new installations.
Monthly Rates:
40 Watt LED Flood $10.75 per month per light
44 Watt LED Security Light $ 9.70 per month per light
100 Watt Decorative Light $32.00 per month per light
100 Watt Flood Light $ 9.70 per month per light
250 Watt Flood Light $17.10 per month per light
LED Security Light (250W equivalent) $17.10 per month per light
Conditions of Service
1. Security lights shall be furnished and installed by the Cooperative
2. The Cooperative shall maintain and repair security lights during normal working hours only.
3. If a pole is needed for a light, the member shall be required to pay an additional monthly charge of $2.25 a pole.
4. Any consumer requesting service under this rate schedule must agree to continue service for a minimum of twenty-four months. Termination of service prior to the twenty-four month limit will result in payment to the Cooperative for the remaining term up to the twenty-four month period.
5. CHEC offers the 44 Watt LED Security Light and 40 Watt LED Flood lights for new installations.
Applicable to consumers for commercial, industrial and three-phase service for all users, including lighting, heating and power subject to the established rules of the Cooperative.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $65.00
Demand Charges:
All kW $9.75/kW
Energy Charges:
All Off-Peak Energy - Winter 9.57¢/kWh
All Off-Peak Energy - Summer 14.91¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Winter 28.70¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Summer 41.00¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
On-Peak and Off-Peak Hours shall be defined as the following:
A. For the period May 1 through October 31, the On-Peak hours shall be the hours between 3:00pm and 6:00pm.
B. For the period November 1 through April 30, the On-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 6:00am and 9:00am.
C. The Off-Peak Hours shall be all other times.
New Rates Effective May 1, 2025:
Applicable to residential consumers for all uses in the home subject to established rules of the Cooperative.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge:
Single-Phase - Regular $ 30.00 per month
Single-Phase - Prepay $ 1.00 per day
Energy Charges:
Summer (May - October)
First 1,000 kWh/month 12.52¢/kWh
All kWh over 1,000kWh/month 18.14¢/kWh
Winter (November - April)
First 1,000 kWh/month 12.52¢/kWh
All kWh over 1,000kWh/month 11.63¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
Applicable to residential consumers for all uses in the home subject to established rules of the Cooperative.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $30.00
Energy Charges:
Daytime Period (5:00am to 10:00pm)
Summer kWh 16.23¢/kWh
Winter kWh 13.50¢/kWh
Discount Period (10:00pm to 5:00am)
Summer kWh 11.75¢/kWh
Winter kWh 9.02¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
This rate is available on a voluntary basis to single-phase residential consumers who would otherwise be served under the Residential Service schedule. Service under this schedule is subject to the Cooperative's established rules and regulations.
Time-of-Use rates are intended to encourage conservation during peak times. If a member opts to go on this rate and does not change their behavior, then the rates are designed so that they will likely pay the same amount as if they remained on the traditional rate. However, if a member intentionally reduces their electric consumption during peak periods, they should save money on their electric bill.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $30.00
Energy Chargers:
All Super Off-Peak Energy 6.75¢/kWh
All Off-Peak Energy - Winter 10.41¢/kWh
All Off-Peak Energy - Summer 14.52¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Winter 34.98¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Summer 49.26¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
Determination of On-Peak and Off-Peak Periods:
On-Peak, Off-Peak, and Super Off-Peak hours shall be defined as the following:
A. For the period of May 1 through October 31, the On-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 3:00pm and 6:00pm.
B. For the period of November 1 through April 30, the On-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 6:00am and 9:00am.
C. The Super Off-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 10:00pm and 5:00am for all days of the week.
D. The Off-Peak Hours shall be all other times.
Applicable to consumers for commercial, industrial and three-phase service for all users, including lighting, heating and power subject to the established rules of the Cooperative.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $40.00
Demand Charges:
First 15kW $0.00/kW
All kW over 15kW/month $9.75/kW
Energy Charges:
Summer (May - October)
First 2,000 kWh/month 15.58¢/kWh
All kWh over 2,000kWh/month 10.12¢/kWh
Winter (November - April)
First 2,000 kWh/month 12.32¢/kWh
All kWh over 2,000kWh/month 8.00¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
This rate is available to consumers for commercial, industrial and three-phase service for all users, including lighting, heating and power subject to the established rules of the seller. Service under this schedule is subject to the Cooperative's established rules and regulations.
Time-of-Use rates are intended to encourage conservation during peak times. If a member opts to go on this rate and does not change their behavior, then the rates are designed so that they will likely pay the same amount as if they remained on the traditional rate. However, if a member intentionally reduces their electric consumption during peak periods, they should save money on their electric bill.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $40.00
Demand Charges:
First 15 kW - Winter 0.00¢/kWh
First 15 kW - Summer 0.00¢/kWh
All kW over 15 per month - Winter 9.75¢/kWh
All kW over 15 per month - Summer 9.75¢/kWh
Energy Charges:
All Off-Peak Energy - Winter 7.98¢/kWh
All Off-Peak Energy - Summer 8.80¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Winter 23.93¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Summer 29.91¢/kWh
The monthly minimum bill shall be the Basic Facilities Charge.
Determination of On-Peak and Off-Peak Periods:
On-Peak and Off-Peak hours shall be defined as the following:
A. For the period of May 1 through October 31, the On-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 3:00pm and 6:00pm.
B. For the period of November 1 through April 30, the On-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 6:00am and 9:00am.
C. The Off-Peak Hours shall be all other times.
Applicable to consumers for commercial, industrial and three-phase service for all users, including lighting, heating and power subject to the established rules of the Cooperative.
Rate per Month:
Basic Service Charge: $65.00
Demand Charges:
All kW $9.75/kW
Energy Charges:
All Off-Peak Energy - Winter 9.57¢/kWh
All Off-Peak Energy - Summer 14.91¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Winter 28.70¢/kWh
All On-Peak Energy - Summer 41.00¢/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is the Basic Service Charge.
On-Peak and Off-Peak Hours shall be defined as the following:
A. For the period May 1 through October 31, the On-Peak hours shall be the hours between 3:00pm and 6:00pm.
B. For the period November 1 through April 30, the On-Peak Hours shall be the hours between 6:00am and 9:00am.
C. The Off-Peak Hours shall be all other times.
This schedule is available to members of the Cooperative for outdoor lighting. This schedule is for automatically controlled outdoor lighting using high-pressure sodium vapor or LED lamps.
For new installations, CHEC is offers the 44 Watt LED Security Light and 40 Watt LED Flood lights. The 100-Watt and 250-Watt Flood Lights, 100 Watt Decorative Lights and LED Security Light (250 Watt equivalent) are closed to new installations.
Monthly Rates:
40 Watt LED Flood $12.75 per month per light
44 Watt LED Security Light $11.50 per month per light
100 Watt Decorative Light $37.90 per month per light
100 Watt Flood Light $11.50 per month per light
250 Watt Flood Light $20.25 per month per light
LED Security Light (250W equivalent) $20.25 per month per light
Conditions of Service
1. Security lights shall be furnished and installed by the Cooperative
2. The Cooperative shall maintain and repair security lights during normal working hours only.
3. If a pole is needed for a light, the member shall be required to pay an additional monthly charge of $2.25 a pole.
4. Any consumer requesting service under this rate schedule must agree to continue service for a minimum of twenty-four months. Termination of service prior to the twenty-four month limit will result in payment to the Cooperative for the remaining term up to the twenty-four month period.
5. CHEC offers the 44 Watt LED Security Light and 40 Watt LED Flood lights for new installations.
Available in conjunction with any of the Cooperative's residential or commercial rate schedules, where renewable generation is connected on the customer side of the meter in parallel with the Cooperative's electric system and is designed to offset a portion or all of the consumer's electrical requirements normally supplied by the Cooperative.
Solar Facility Charges:
Up to 10kW of Generation $28.00/month
Over 10kW of Generation $34.00/month
Up to 10 kW of Generation $40.00/month
Over 10 kW of Generation $62.00/month
2025 Rate Increase Frequently Asked Questions:
Beginning May 1, 2025 CHEC will implement an average increase of 6.37%. The overall average rate increase is 9.79% however, by instituting a wholesale power cost adjustment (WPCA) credit in the amount of (.005)¢ per kWh, the effective change to member’s bills will be an average of 6.37%.
The wholesale power cost adjustment or WPCA, is a component of the retail rate that can be adjusted when needed to account for changes in purchased power costs. This WPCA credit of (.005)¢ per kWh will remain in place for 12 months and will be reevaluated prior to May 1, 2026. The WPCA credit will show as a separate line item on your bill.
The average rate increase beginning May 1, 2025 will be 6.37%. Individual adjustments will vary depending on the type of account and the individual usage.
Based on average annual consumption, a residential member will see the following increases:
Summer kWhs |
Current Rates |
New Rates |
Increased Dollar |
1,000 |
$141.70 |
$150.20 |
$8.50 |
1,250 |
$184.00 |
$194.30 |
$10.30 |
2,000 |
$310.90 |
$326.60 |
$15.70 |
3,000 |
$480.10 |
$503.00 |
$22.90 |
4,000 |
$649.30 |
$679.40 |
$30.10 |
7,500 |
$1,241.50 |
$1,296.80 |
$55.30 |
The change in Basic Facilities Charges will increase as follows:
Current Rate |
New Rate |
Residential Service |
$25.00 |
$30.00 |
Commercial Service |
$30.00 |
$40.00 |
The Basic Facilities Charge is a fixed component of your bill that covers some of the fixed costs of providing electricity, regardless of how much energy you use each month. These fixed costs include cooperative infrastructure necessary for power to reach homes and communities: poles, wires, substations, transformers – elements that every member utilizes and from which they benefit.
CHEC’s Board of Directors and management continuously monitor the financial stability of the cooperative to determine if or when a rate increase is necessary. To establish the latest rate structure, an independent, experienced firm was hired to perform a cost of service study and recommend changes to our rates.
The last rate increase may in May 2018.
The new rates will go into effect May 1, 2025. Any billing cycle after May 1 will reflect the new rates.
The cost of service study offers a comprehensive review of all rates to ensure that each member, regardless of rate classification, pays his or her fair share. Both commercial and residential accounts will have a rate increase.
Yes. CHEC also has voluntary rates for residential members who charge an electric vehicle at home or who are interested in a Time-of-Use rate. There is also a voluntary commercial Time-of-Use rate available. These rates are structured differently than the traditional rates and vary depending on what time of day electricity is used. The rates are higher during on-peak times and lower during off-peak times.
Time-of-Use rates are intended to encourage conservation during peak times. If a member intentionally reduces their electric consumption during peak periods, they should save money on their electric bill.
To view all rate schedules, visit
CHEC is a not-for-profit electric cooperative. However, in order for the cooperative to comply with loan covenants established by our lenders, RUS & CFC, rates must generate sufficient margins (profits) to make both the principal and interest payments on our debt. Our not-for-profit status mandates that any net margins made by the cooperative must be allocated to the membership in the form of capital credits. A portion of these amounts are retired annually in the form of checks and or bill credits to our members.
No. Funding for the Cape Hatteras Electric Foundation comes from CHEC members who voluntarily round up their monthly electric bill to the nearest dollar. The total contribution per member ranges between $0.12 and $11.88 annually. That money is then transferred into the Operation Round-up Fund and distributed by the Foundation board to residents of Hatteras Island in financial crisis, or to local non-profit organizations.
CHEC strives to operate efficiently while adhering to our commitment of providing reliable and sustainable electric service to Hatteras Island at the lowest possible cost. We continuously evaluate our operations in an effort to keep your rates as low as possible by:
Implementing beneficial technology, like the use of drones for efficient line inspections
Competitively bidding all contracts to ensure quality service at the best possible price
Ongoing evaluation of our day-to-day operations for opportunities to improve and gain efficiencies
As always, CHEC management and staff will continue to work diligently to manage costs, to keep rates stable, for as long as possible.
CHEC supports all energy solutions that are a fit for our members, uphold the safety and reliability of our grid and improve the diversity of our resources while also ensuring that costs are not shifted to members without access to the latest technologies.
We offer several programs to help you manage your electric bills through energy efficiency programs and flexible payment options, such as Budget Billing and Prepaid Metering. We offer rebate programs including secondary refrigerator & freezer turn-in, home EV charger and Energy Star appliances rebates. There are Energy Efficiency Loans available with low-interest financing up to $10,000 for commercial members, as well as $6,000 for residential members, for new high efficiency heat pumps and other energy efficiency improvements.
The Cooperative sells wi-fi enabled “smart” Ecobee thermostats for a fraction of the retail value in exchange for member’s participation in a load management program. When the thermostats are called on to reduce peak demand, the thermostats are adjusted either up or down by a few degrees.
We have Energy Solutions for members interested in residential solar and electric vehicle charging options. Our staff provides free home energy assessments to aid in making homes more efficient and helping you make the right energy choices for your needs.